Tuesday, November 23, 2010

About Web Design / HTML: HTML 5 trick; Dreamweaver and HTML 5; EPUB

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Web Design / HTML

Design Basics



From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
XML is a tricky subject because it is so broad, but also very technical. But Darla has come through this week with an overview of EPUB - a publishing format that uses XHTML and XML to publish books to ereaders. If you were considering self-publishing, you can use the EPUB format to create an ebook and then you can even sell it online for people with ereaders to purchase. Plus, this week I take a look at HTML 5 and getting it to work in browsers that don't like it yet. As well as covering how to get Dreamweaver to write HTML 5 documents.

Web hosting is a very important part of web design. If you don't have a good web hosting provider, then you will have trouble with your web pages. But finding a good host can be challenging. I've received some web hosting reviews that might help.
2 stars Qservers.net
1 stars Hit Web Design
Review Your Host

And to all my US readers: Happy Thanksgiving

A Look at Electronic Publication (EPUB)
This article discusses the purpose,format and uses of XML in ebook publishing. A closer look at developing EPUB documents.

A simple trick to get HTML 5 layout tags to display correctl
If you have started using HTML 5, some of the more interesting tags that you can use are the layout tags. These are tags like article, header, and section. But even in browsers that support HTML 5, you may have problems with getting these tags to display how you want them to. But once you've added this simple trick to your CSS master stylesheet, your HTML 5 layouts will work that much easier. P.S. This is not a hack, just simple CSS.

You can use Dreamweaver CS5 to write HTML 5 documents
It's easy to use Dreamweaver to write HTML 5 documents if you have the current version (CS5). Follow these simple steps to start generating HTML 5 documents in Dreamweaver. You can even use one of their pre-built HTML 5 templates that come built-in.

Poll: Do you comment your CSS?
Adding comments to your CSS is a really useful way to make your CSS easier to use in the future. I like to create sections in my CSS and comment them, and then add comments at the end of important or confusing lines so that I know what they do in six months. But some people don't like to include comments because it can add to the download time. If speed is important then removing comments is important too. Vote Now View Results


Web Design / HTML Ads
Featured Articles
The UL Tag for Unordered Lists
Add a Special Character in Dreamweaver
Pricing Web Projects - Formulas, Estimates, and Salaries
How to Set Up Multiple Sites to Use Drupal CMS
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Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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