| | Robots.txt; web design v. web development; learn XML The topics are wide-ranging this week. First I discuss a common file that is on most websites, but many web designers don't know what it's for: robots.txt. And speaking of designers, do you know what the difference is between a designer and a developer on the web? Some people think they are the same thing. What do you think? And there are some great XML tutorials from Darla. I hope you enjoy! There are lots of different software applications that web designers can use to improve their sites. Every Sunday I highlight a free or inexpensive software application beyond HTML editors that is good for web designers. But I'd also like to know about the tools you find valuable. Write a review of non-editor software you value | | Curious About Robots.txt Files? Nearly every site has one, they tell search engine spiders and other web robots where they should and shouldn't visit on the site. They can be extremely complex, with different rules depending upon the robot and the area of the site or they can be as simple as two lines long. Learn more about how web robots use the robots.txt file and how to create one that does what you want it to. | Do you know the difference between web design/development? Many people use the terms web design and web development interchangeably, but in reality they are different paths on the web professional job spectrum. A web designer has a different skill set than a web developer and often these two jobs have very different responsibilities. If you are applying for a job as a web designer or web developer, you should be aware of the differences so that you don't apply for a job you're not qualified for. | Have you been considering learning XML? The XML tutorials by Darla Ferrara can help you get started. The seven articles on this page will take you through how to create an XML document and even how to create an RSS feed. RSS is a great way to get started with XML and these tutorials can help. | Poll: Rate the importance of the meta title on your pages How important do you consider the tag to your web pages? Personally, I feel that it is very important, but I do get tired of coming up with them, especially when I've been doing a lot of writing. Do you think the meta titles are important or not? Vote Now View Results | | | | Web Design / HTML Ads | | | | Featured Articles | | | | | | Sign up for more free newsletters on your favorite topics | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the About Web Design / HTML newsletter. If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click here. About respects your privacy: Our Privacy Policy Contact Information: 249 West 17th Street New York, NY, 10011 © 2010 About.com | | | | Must Reads | | Advertisement | |
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