Monday, November 22, 2010

XML 101: Week 5 - XML Attributes

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Week 5 - XML Attributes
Jennifer Kyrnin
From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML

Once you have elements, you need to be able to describe them. Attributes are essentially the adjectives of XML.

Week 5
  • HTML Attributes
  • XML Attributes

XML Elements
HTML Attributes

In order to understand XML attributes, it helps to look at a markup language that you already know. HTML is fairly easy to understand, and it, like XML has attributes on its tags and elements.

XML Attributes

In XML, like HTML, an attribute is a part of an element that provides additional information about that element. You might think of an attribute as an adjective describing the element it is within. For example, if you have an element "dog", it might have an attribute color="white".

<dog color="white" />

Class Notes
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This is a self-paced class. This means that if you need more time than a week to review the lessons, that is fine. And if you finish the lessons before the next week, you can request the next lesson.

This email is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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