Monday, March 28, 2011

How Can You Draw Visitors To Blog

If You Are a Web-Publisher You Probably Wonder How to Get Traffic to Your Website?

  • Adwords
  • internet marketing
  • Google

Word Of Mouth Marketing

The first matter I want to speak about is viral marketing. This is certainly the most powerful way of marketing your blog, if executed right. It is however the “if done right” that might be too large an obstacle for most marketers. Viral marketing is an art of itself, but if you have an idea that might take off and gain popularity, You'd better off studying the subject.

Pay Per Click

You might have heard about Google Adwords. But be warned: it is easy to burn away all your money if you do not know this stuff, so it is not advisable to start with this if you are new in the game.

Search Engine Optimization

Perhaps the best thing you could do, is learning to master the art of search engine optimization. Let’s look at your options.

This is two basic things, mainly;

Optimize Your Site Structure For the Search Engines:

Basic on site SEO rules have to be implemented on each page on your site. In order to accomplish this you might want to consider outsourcing the design of your website to an SEO professional, or making use of a ready-made search engine friendly web design templates at It is not that difficult to fulfill this on your own, so consider outsourcing only if you are out of time to do it yourself.

Now What's Left Is External SEO.

What is external SEO?

This is mostly referenced to as building back-links to your site. Search engines tend to use the nature of back-links to a site as a way to measure how that site should rank in the engines. So how do we execute link building to our site?

Traditional Link-Building:

That involves writing as a guest on other peoples blogs, signing up with forums, which allow you to place a link in your profile when you make a comment, press releases and a bunch of other tedious tasks.

Networking On Social Sites:

Social networking is when you basically use the Social platforms out there to build out your web properties, plus interlinking your different social accounts to create a synergistic effect. You could use this network to create links back to your sites, but your main purpose is to build curiosity, so that the people you interact with want to do business with your company.

This takes a lot of time however, and you might not have time to build your own website. If, however, you use this strategy to attract visitors to your site, you might face a dilemma that you might spam the people you befriended. In order to avoid that, it is best to interact and present yourself as your business right from the start; of course with the challenges this brings to your networking activity. If you resolve this problem, go for it.

Social Link Building:

Much more effective, and of another world is the strategy to use the social platforms in order to achieve link building toward your own sites. This strategy is social link building and is much easier to implement. As a part of the bonus at Traffic KKaboom Review, you get access to a social account creator that works with You also get a social account ping tool that works from within blogging software; to automatically produce back-links from several different social platforms each time write an article.

Content Syndication:

Content syndication is probably the most effective and also a secure way of doing external SEO. What this means is that you create a video. Then you use a service that will distribute this content or video automatically with a number of sites attached to the syndication service. This ensures your original content to be placed automatically on thousands of blogs with links back to your content from inside the articles.

For this to be effective and in particular long term, it is crucial to preserve the integrity and quality of the network of sites that the content is distributed to. Even more important is it to ensure that no one abuses the network with outbound links to junk sites or sites flagged as junks by the search engines, because this can hurt the rankings of the site which link out to the foul site.

A solution like you find at Traffic Kaboom, have taken all this into account.

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