Tuesday, November 30, 2010

About Web Design / HTML: Every HTML Editor; HTML 5 Fix; Calibre Review

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Web Design / HTML

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From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
If you're looking for an HTML editor, then this is the site you want to visit. I have reviewed every HTML editor I could find and there are a lot of them, and I have the largest professionally vetted list of HTML editors and HTML editor reviews available. If you think I've missed one, you should write a review of the one I missed and I'll add it to the list. I'm specifically looking for editors for mobile devices (iPhone and Android as well as others) and online HTML editors, but if you think your HTML editor isn't on the list, your review will get it added. Plus, this week I showcase an article about how to get HTML 5 to work in IE as well as a review of an EPUB manager from Darla.

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The Most Complete Collection of HTML Editors on the Web
If you are trying to decide what web editor you should buy, this site has you covered. I have reviewed 148 different HTML editors for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux as well as some online editors and I can tell you which one is the best, which is the worst and all the ones in between. If you think I’ve missed one write a review of it and I’ll check it out.

Don't Ignore HTML 5 Because of Internet Explorer
If you have been avoiding HTML 5 because IE 8 doesn't support it, you should take a look at this article. You will be pleased to know that there is a way to make IE recognize HTML 5 tags using three lines of HTML.

Review of Calibre - EPUB Conversion Software
If you're looking for a way to create or manage ebooks, then you should take a look at Calibre. I have used this program to convert documents to EPUB format and then view them in both iBooks and Kindle. This is a review of Calibre by Darla Ferrara, find out what she thinks of Calibre and whether you should consider getting it.

Poll: Do you use the CSS !important rule in your style sheet
When I am looking at the CSS for a website, one of the first things I look for is to see if there are any !important styles listed. This property tells the browser that it should override the cascade for this rule. And for me it's a shorthand way of discovering if the designer has something they feel is, well, important. Vote Now View Results


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How to Transfer Files with FrontPage Using FTP
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This newsletter is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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