Tuesday, December 7, 2010

About Web Design / HTML: Click Heat Maps; Meta Redirects; ebXML

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Web Design / HTML

Design Basics



From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
One tool that I don't use often enough is the click heat map. This is an analytics tool that shows you visually where on the page people are clicking. It is a great way to discover the most valuable areas of your site, and where your page is underused, and more. And this week Darla explains what ebXML is - if you're doing any partnerships between companies for electronic business, learning ebXML is a useful skill.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of different web editors available for you to use. I have a script to help you find the perfect web page editor, but sometimes it's easier to see reviews of editors by other people and decide based on their opinions. I have received several new web editor reviews from other About.com readers. Some interesting ones that have just come in include:
1 star PageBreeze Professional
5 stars Wordpad 5.1
5 stars Code Lobster
Write a review of your web editor

Do you know where your readers are clicking?
Many people rely on web analytics to watch how their sties are doing, but sometimes a visual tool would make it much easier to see what's going on. Click heat maps are visual tools that show you where people are clicking on your web page and where they are not clicking. By knowing where people tend to click, you can adjust your page to reflect that and make your site more usable for your readers.

Do you know what a meta redirect is?
Being able to redirect web pages without messing with server commands can be useful. And meta redirects or the meta refresh tag are a useful tool for web designers.
See More About:  meta refresh tags  redirects  meta tags

What is ebXML?
This article discusses e-business as it relates to XML. A definition of the ebXML project and its use for Internet business and communication. If your company, or client's company, wants to make partnerships with other companies, one way to share data effectively is with ebXML.
See More About:  ebxml  ecommerce  electronic business

Poll: Do you have an animated favicon?
Favicons or those little icons that show up in bookmarks and tabs of web browsers can help brand a site. And one popular style of favicon is the animated or moving favicon. Personally, I often find them distracting, and tend to close pages that use them fairly quickly. But I have seen a couple that are very subtle, don't blink a lot, but the animation adds to the favicon, and they can add value to your site. Do you use animated favicons? Vote Now View Results


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This newsletter is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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