Monday, December 6, 2010

Free HTML Course: Week 7 - Links, Anchors, and Bookmarks

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Week 7 - Links, Anchors, and Bookmarks
Jennifer Kyrnin
From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML

Once you finish this lesson, you'll know everything you need to know to put up a basic Web page. Links are what make a Web page - they connect the different pages to each other.

Note: if you didn't receive the previous weeks you can always pick up missed lessons online at: You can also get the lessons more quickly if you'd like.

Week 7
  • Links - the basics of linking
  • Writing good links - more than just HTML
  • Linking Images - basic links and image maps
  • Homework

Adding Text Links to Web Pages

The tag you need to learn is the <a> tag - called the anchor tag. There is one required attribute of the anchor tag: href. You put the URL of the page you want to link to in the href attribute. Then you write the text you want linked, and close the <a> tag. For example, to link to the Web Design home page, you would write:

<a href="">Learn Web Design</a>

Adding Internal Links

Internal links are also called bookmarks. They are a way to mark portions of your Web page and then link directly to them.

Writing Good Links
Learn to Write Links People Will Click On

Once you know how to write a link in HTML, you need to focus on how to write the text so that they get clicked on. After all, that is the point of links, to get people to go from one place to another.

Don't Write "Click Here" for Link Text

Click here is one of the most popular phrases in link text. But it's not a good habit to get into. Click here says nothing about what the link is or where the link will go to.

Linking Images
How to Link an Image

It's easy to link to an image. In fact, you do it the same way you do text. Surround the image tag with the anchor tag and the image becomes a link. The only trick is you need to use a style property to get rid of the border.

How to Build an Image Map Without an Image Map Editor

Image maps let you make only specific parts of your images clickable. This can be used for navigation or just to make things more fun. For example, I saw one site where a photo on the home page linked to one place, but the eyes of the person in the photo linked somewhere else. This was done with an image map.

Practice What You've Learned

If you have created more than one page, add a link from one or more of them to another. If you only have one page, then create a table of contents on that page to link to one of the page sections.

If you've found this class useful, I'd appreciate your linking to it from your Web page as well. Such as linking to

I created a page of links to all the previous lessons as well as an internal link to show how that works.

This email is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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