Thursday, January 13, 2011

About Web Design / HTML: Readers' Choice Awards Nominations Now Open

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From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
I am pleased to announce that the 2011 Readers' Choice Awards are now open for nominations. This year, we have sites from many different channels on Feel free to nominate your own sites and products as well as the sites and products you feel best represent quality for web design.

2011 Readers' Choice Awards
The Readers' Choice Awards 2011 The 2011 Readers' Choice Awards will showcase the best products, features and services in dozens of categories. Readers' Choice grew out of a successful awards program on our Computing channel, and it's being expanded this year to include multiple channels, from technology to hobbies to parenting. Nominations will be accepted starting Jan. 13, 2011. Voting will take place from Feb. 11 through March 8, with winners announced March 15. There's no prize -- just the bragging rights that come with getting recognized by the readers of one of a leading website owned by The New York Times Co. To learn more, visit
See More About:  awards  readers choice awards 

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Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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