Tuesday, January 18, 2011

About Web Design / HTML: Clients as Friends; PDF Portfolios; htaccess

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Web Design / HTML

Design Basics



From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
Many designers start out working for friends and family, and it's not uncommon for clients that you work with a lot to become friends. But you should always remember that there is a line between friends and clients and sometimes it can cause uncomfortable tension. Creating a web design portfolio can be tricky because you often need to be online to show it off. But if you create a PDF portfolio you can display it even when offline. The final article this week is about how easy it is to redirect an entire website with HTAccess.

A free class is a great way to learn new web design techiques. I have classes on HTML, Web Design, CSS, and even XML. Check out all the free web development classes offered on my site and other About.com sites.

Are you friends with your clients?
One of the most common ways for a new web designer to get clients is to build web pages for friends and family. And many designers become friends with their clients, even if they first met in a business context. Is it possible to become friends with clients or stay friends with someone once they are your client? Does either relationship suffer? Find out some of the benefits and pitfalls to being friends with your clients and making clients of your friends.
See More About:  networking  finding clients  freelancing

PDF Portfolios Give You Another Way to Showcase Your Web Des
Web design portfolios can be difficult to manage because they often require dynamic elements that don’t show up in the printed page. But with a PDF portfolio you can create a portfolio that can be printed, but can also be used to show off some of the more dynamic elements of your design skills by sending the digital document to prospective clients and employers. Learn how to use a PDF portfolio to showcase your web design talents.
See More About:  web design portfolios  pdfs  getting a job

How to Redirect an Entire Site Using HTAccess
If you have htaccess support on your website, you can move your entire site in about 10 minutes (not including the time it takes to move the content). And if you've ever spent time creating manual redirects for hundreds of pages (I have!) this is a huge time saver.
See More About:  redirects  htaccess  website management

Poll: Do you have a domain name for your design business?
One way to help your business stand out is to get a domain name that attaches to your business. But not everyone wants to spend the money or time it takes to create and manage a domain. And finding a good domain name can be hard. Do you have a domain name for your design business? Vote Now View Results


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The :active Pseudo-Class
Free Web Design Class - Weekly
Evrsoft First Page
HTML Forms Class
How to Create an Unordered List - Bulleted Lists
Quick CSS Class - 5 Days


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This newsletter is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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