Tuesday, February 8, 2011

About Web Design / HTML: WebMatrix free editor; HTML 5 Event attributes; Sp

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Web Design / HTML

Design Basics



From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
I learned of the new Microsoft web page editor WebMatrix recently. It looks interesting. One of the features that is neat about it is that you can use it to install applications like WordPress or Drupal on your site. In my on-going series on HTML 5, I've got an article on the new event attributes you can use to create web applications that feel like desktop apps. And if you're just starting out with HTML, you may have been frustrated by spaces. An annoying feature of HTML is that white spaces are collapsed and many beginners get caught in this trap, so I've included an article on how to add spaces to your web pages even when HTML collapses them.

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New Free Editor from Microsoft - WebMatrix
Microsoft has released a new web editor - WebMatrix. This editor for Windows allows you to build websites using dozens of open source tools including WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla!. It sets up a web server on your hard drive and then installs the components (including databases) that you need for the tools you want on your site. Then, when you're ready to publish, you can connect to one of the many web servers that support direct connections with WebMatrix or use FTP to transfer to your own hosting provider.

HTML 5 Event Attributes are for Web Applications
Web applications are very effective in HTML 5 because they add so many more hooks for triggering scripts. This article describes some of the more useful new event attributes. And while they may not be supported in IE yet, you can get started by building apps for mobile devices like Android and the iPad.

Spaces in HTML are Challenging
Just because you type 5 spaces doesn't mean that the web page will show 5 spaces. This can be very frustrating to novice web designers. Learn several methods for adding spaces to your web pages.
See More About:  whitespace  html space tag  html tags

Poll: Do you pay quarterly taxes?
Quarterly taxes are something many freelance U.S. web designers have to remember. If you don't have a job that takes the taxes directly from your paycheck, you may end up paying a fine to the government if you aren't paying quarterly taxes. But then again, if you aren't making enough money as a freelancer, you may not owe quarterly taxes. Do you pay quarterly taxes? Vote Now View Results


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Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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