Tuesday, February 1, 2011

About Web Design / HTML: HTML 5 Tags; HTML 5 Canvas; Texture in design

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Web Design / HTML

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From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
Now that HTML 5 has its own logo, perhaps you are more open to considering using it. Well, there are some tags that you can use right now, and even if your browser doesn't support them fully, they still work just fine - even in IE. And the canvas tutorial has been expanded to explain about 3d versus 2d support. And the last featured article is about texture in design. Just because you can't feel a website doesn't mean that it won't have texture. Learn how to use texture to improve your designs.

There are only 3 days left to nominate sites and software in the Readers' Choice awards for 2011. The more nominations a site gets from different sources, the more likely it will be chosen as a finalist. Don't miss out, Nominations close at 11:59pm ET February 4, 2011.

HTML 5 Tags You Should be Using Right Now
Many people are reluctant to use HTML 5 because Internet Explorer doesn't support it (except with a ">workaround). But there is one set of new HTML 5 features that you should be using right now, even if 99.9% of your readers use Internet Explorer. The new input field types. HTML 5 form input fields are a feature of HTML 5 that is fully backwards compatible. Browsers that don't support them display a standard input text field, and browsers that do support them add very useful functionality to your web page forms.
See More About:  input tag  html 5 tags  html tags

Drawing on HTML 5 Canvas is Limited to 2-Dimensions, For Now
One of the things you have to do to draw on the HTML 5 canvas is define a context. And the only context available right now is 2d. Which begs the question is there a 3d context? The real answer is, "not yet". But there will be eventually.
See More About:  canvas tag  html 5 tags  html tags

Dress Up Your Designs with Texture
Design texture is sometimes difficult to understand for beginning web designers because texture is how something feels, and web designs can only be seen. But as you can see in this texture gallery, texture in web design is a visual element that gives your designs depth. Compare the same simple design with flat color and textured backgrounds to see how texture impacts the design.
See More About:  texture  design elements  design examples

Poll: Do you use grids in your designs?
Using a grid to create your page layouts is a great way to provide order and symmetry on web page layouts. There are many options for grids in web designs from simple one-column grids to grids with many columns and layouts. Do you use grids in your web designs? Vote Now View Results


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Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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