Tuesday, December 28, 2010

About Web Design / HTML: HTML Headlines; Important tags; Email input types

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Web Design / HTML

Design Basics



From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
HTML headlines are the H1, H2, H3 etc. tags that tell the browser that this text is a headline rather than just plain body copy. Headlines are important because they help with SEO and assist your readers with reading the page contents. The challenge with building web pages for newbies is that there are so many tags, it can be hard to decide what to learn first. The second article in this newsletter talks about the first 5 or 6 I think you should learn in order to build a web page. What do you think are the most important tags to learn first? And the third article shows you two images of an HTML form that uses the email input tag and how it renders differently in one browser that supports it.

I hope that everyone has had a great 2010 and that you're looking forward to 2011. It should be a wonderful year with lots of new and interesting developments for web designers. I hope that I continue to have the privilege to teach you HTML and web design. Next year, I plan to announce a whole new, revamped XML class by Darla Ferrara as well as an overhaul of the free HTML class and HTML Tag Library. Plus, there will be even more tutorials on HTML 5 and CSS 3. Hopefully we'll see a full release (not beta) of Internet Explorer 9 and a fast adoption of that browser so that we can use HTML 5 and CSS 3 more widely. 2011 is going to be FUN!

Happy New Year!

HTML Headlines are Easy to Write
If you're trying to create a basic web page, you should include at least one or two HTML headlines. HTML headlines use the HTML heading tags to generate headlines for your text. Learn how easy it is to add headlines to your web pages.
See More About:  headlines  heading tags  beginning html

What HTML do you think is important for web pages?
There are dozens of HTML tags, but I would argue that you really only need five or six to put up a web page. Find out what tags I think you need at minimum for web page HTML. Are there other tags that are just as important in your opinion?

A Visual Example of Why the Email Input Type is Useful
If you're still struggling with whether or not to use HTML 5 and you have a lot of customers who view your pages on smartphones and mobile devices like the iPad or iPhone, then you should check out this example. It shows a web page form as seen by the iPad. One of the email fields is an <input type="email"> and the other is a standard text input field. Can you tell which is which from the photos?
See More About:  html 5 tags  html form tags  input tags

Poll: Do you know what Web 2.0 means?
Web 2.0 is a marketing term for the new breed of web design that is more interactive than previous flat pages. But what I've noticed is that if you ask five designers and developers what Web 2.0 is, they'll give you five different answers. Vote Now View Results


Web Design / HTML Ads
Featured Articles
Cascading Style Sheets Full Class
The Title Tag
SEO Class
What is a Webmaster - Take Three
Free Web Design Class - Daily
Specify the Language of Your Web Pages


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This newsletter is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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