Monday, December 27, 2010

Free HTML Course: Week 10 - HTML Forms

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Week 10 - HTML Forms
Jennifer Kyrnin
From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML

One of the trickiest aspects of Web pages is forms and CGI. This is because you have to know some programming as well to write even the most basic form. But even if you don't know how to program you can put up forms on your Web site.

Remember: Next week is the quiz. Make sure to read over the previous classes so that you can do well.

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Week 10
  • HTML Form Tags - you only need to learn 2
  • Mailto Forms - the easiest way to make forms work
  • Forms with CGI - the most reliable option
  • Learn more about HTML Forms - a free class
  • Homework

HTML Form Tags
Using the Form Tag

In order to write an HTML form, you need to use the <form> tag. This is the first tag for your form and it will surround every other element in your form.

How to Use the Input Tag

Once you have a form tag, you need input tags to create your form fields. There is one type of tag you can use for all your input needs: <input />

Mailto Forms
Build Your First HTML Form

In only 10 steps, you'll have a basic mailto form for your Web site.

When Mailto Forms Don't Work

Mailto forms rely on interaction between the customer's Web browser, their email client, and the Internet. Because of all these connections, there are lots of uncontrollable elements (such as: if the customer doesn't have an email client) and places where mailto forms can fail. Learn what to do about broken mailto forms.

Forms with CGI
Install a Guestbook CGI

Guestbooks can be fun on a Web site - they let your customers make comments and interact. There are also many Guestbook CGIs available that you don't need to have CGI access on your Web host to use.

Learn More About HTML Forms
Take the HTML Forms Free Class

Forms are so complicated and tricky, that I have a complete course just teaching about them. If you think you will need more than a basic Web form on your site, you should consider signing up for this class.

Practice What You've Learned

Create a mailto form on your site that sends you information with at least two input methods (radio buttons, textboxes, checkboxes, etc.). Find a CGI on the Web that you would be interested in using on your own site. Either put a link to it on your page, or if you're feeling ambitious, actually add it to your site.

I set up a form on my homework site.

This email is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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