Monday, January 3, 2011

Free HTML Course: Week 11 - Final Exam

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Week 11 - Final Exam
Jennifer Kyrnin
From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML

This week is the XHTML 101 Final Exam.

Everyone who completes the final exam with an 80% score or better in each of the 10 topic areas, will receive a certificate of completion, and their name will be stored in my database of "About Web Design/HTML - Certified XHTML Developers".

Please note: If you do not include your name and a valid email address on the exam, you will not receive your certificate when you pass. You can take the exam as many times as you wish, but you must wait at least one day between attempts. The answers will not be provided.

Please read the instructions carefully.

Review Old Lessons
Start with the Syllabus

If you don't think you're ready to take the exam, you can continue to review old lessons. The syllabus is online. The exam covers items from every week in the class, so be sure you're familiar with all of it.

The Exam
Good Luck!

Thank you for your participation in the XHTML 101 class. I hope you found it and the Web Design/HTML site at useful.

What Did You Think of the Class?
Please take this survey

Once you're through with the exam, please take a moment to fill out this anonymous survey so the class can get better. Feel free to comment on any section of the class, Web site or exam.

Learn More - CSS, XML, Web Design, etc.
Free Web Design Class

More than just HTML, the free Web Design class takes you through the steps to learn how to build beautiful Web pages.

Free CSS Class
This class is fast - only 5 days. And you'll learn a lot. Cascading Style Sheets were never this easy.

And More Free Web Development Classes

There are many other Web Development classes available on the About site including XML, HTML Forms, JavaScript, and more.

This email is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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