Tuesday, January 25, 2011

About Web Design / HTML: What is web design; PDF tools; Awards

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Web Design / HTML

Design Basics



From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
This week I'm taking a look at what web design is and how it compares to other design disciplines like graphic design and print design. Plus I've got a list of a few good tools to convert PDF files to HTML and back again. And finally, you still have some time to nominate in the Readers' Choice Awards. Your favorite site, editor, or hosting provider can't win if you don't nominate them.

Web hosting is a very important part of web design. If you don't have a good web hosting provider, then you will have trouble with your web pages. But finding a good host can be challenging. I've received some great web hosting reviews that might help.
one stars Hit Web Design
one stars HostMonster
Review Your Host

Web Design is Different from Graphic Design or Print Design
One of the reasons I like doing web design so much is that there is so much to it. When you do web design and development you have the opportunity to be artistic as well as a programmer. You can work as a writer or a marketer. You can focus on getting conversions from viewer to customer or on making elaborate web 2.0 applications. Doing web design is a never-ending learning experience for me, and I'm enjoying the ride!

There are tools to help convert PDF files to HTML
If you need web pages converted to PDF you can get Adobe Acrobat, but there are lots of other options as well. I've collected five HTML to PDF converters for your convenience. These tools range in price from free to nearly $100. They also range in features from very limited to nearly as powerful as Acrobat. If you're looking for a tool to convert HTML to PDF, this list can help.

Have You Nominated Any Sites Yet?
The About.com Readers' Choice Awards are accepting nominations right now, but you'd better hurry, as time is running out for you to nominate your favorite web design, web editor, or web hosting provider. Nominations close on February 4th, and your favorite site, editor, and host can't win if they aren't nominated.
See More About:  awards  readers choice awards  nominations

Poll: What types of portfolio do you have?
There are many options for web design portfolios. The most common, of course, is an online portfolio. But you can also have a standard printed or book portfolio or even a PDF portfolio. Do you use any of these types of portfolios for your web designs or do you have some other type of portfolio? Vote Now View Results


Web Design / HTML Ads
Featured Articles
Build Your First HTTP Cookie
XML Class
Insert a Line Break in Dreamweaver
Become a Freelance Web Designer Class
XHTML Attributes - src
Cascading Style Sheets Full Class


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This newsletter is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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